Photo – PUNCH to the stomach: Mother, hug the kids were recovered dead in Aleppo

One day after the shocking rescue of a 5-year-old girl from the rubble of the βομβαρδισμένου of the house, the images coming from Aleppo, causing only grief and rage.
In these, a woman embrace the newborn baby was found dead under the rubble of her house after the bombing that took place today. Next to her, her elder child is lying and this dead.

According to the Observatory, from today’s bombing in Aleppo, have killed at least 25 people. Among these were seven who lost their lives while they were waiting in line to buy yogurt at a market in the district Μπουστάν al Course. The correspondent of the French Agency in the city described a tragic figure, dying people and dismembered bodies everywhere. The hospitals that are still operating in Aleppo have been filled by the injured.
A journalist of the AFP which is located on the eastern side of Aleppo, reports that the raids were ongoing yesterday, the damage is enormous, but rescue crews were not able to cope with the magnitude of the disaster.
Two rescue centers, which recently awarded by Swedish foundation for “exceptional courage”, were affected by the bombings. From their side, the paramedics inform you that they will no longer make choice of the spot in which you are rushing as they have left just 2 thousands of liters of fuel.
At the same time, the forces of the syrian regime occupied an area that was under the control of the rebels in the north of Χαλεπιού. According to the Watchtower, the seizure of the camp Χανταράτ “was the result of intensive bombing of the authoritarian forces and the heavy, continuous bombardment by aircraft of Russia and the regime”.