Permanently the victims of disinformation, MEDIA in the syrian war

George Theoharis
The largest and most reputable English sites have been overwhelmed yesterday by the news that the ΙΣΙΣ kicked out the Syrian Army from the province of Raka!
You’d think some of them might love it! That is, to prefer to see every day for the jihadists to perpetrate the worst crimes against the innocent in the Suture, than to see it falling into the hands of Assad!
The truth is that many times we profoundly regret that major Greek sites, either unconsciously or consciously, are the victims of misinformation from sources of the Syrian opposition, who spread deliberately false news against the Syrian Army.
And that while it would be easy for our colleagues to cross-check their sources, by referring to the state channels of Iran and Syria, to Russian and lebanese sites etc.
Journalistic ethics requires, at least, when the same news is given in a totally different content from different sources, to set out both views, so that the reader can draw his own conclusions.
The truth is that the Syrian Army has not withdrawn from the Suture, such as falsely informed the readers of yesterday most of the major Greek sites, but conducted fierce battles with the terrorists in the 10-20 kilometers from the town of Tabka, which is just 50 km from the Suture, while repulsed at other points in the same area.
Russian sources transmit authentic images from the intersection of the Tabka to Suture, to the point where the Deir -Ezz-Zor is 208 km and the Suture 82 miles. The operation against the ar raqqah is carried out by elite units of the Syrian Army, the “Falcons of the desert”, which released and Palmyra.
Especially we would like to introduce you to our colleagues not to support the information in the self-proclaimed “Syrian Observatory of Human Rights”, which many times has spread a variety of false news about what is happening in Syria and serves dubious purposes.
The TELEGRAM ( will continue the fight for objective information of the readers in the Syrian war.

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