People to People: a lifetime experience

Greece religion
Image by beggs

People to People: a lifetime experience
Three weeks can seemingly provide a lifetime of experience for People to People participants
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Greece religion
Image by beggs

“We (Greek Polytheists) are not Idolatry. The statue is a springboard to greater things. ” Doretta Peppa The Nature of Greek Polytheism (Dodekatheon): ______________________ About the Term “Pagan”: In our days it is used to call a non-monotheistic religion as pagan or neo-pagan, but this word in reality is an insult for the native/ethnic polytheistic pre-Christian religions. We prefer not to use this term which was applied from the Christian church in order to insult our ancestors and their religion and way of life. The term ‘Pagan’, which in the original Latin is derived from Paganus (peasant), is yet another insult used by the victorious Christians since the 4th Century, to belittle what remained of the Native Religions. They used this to label all those remaining loyal to their Ethnic Traditions, to imply that they were uneducated and uncouth villagers. The term was used for centuries in most European languages to refer to the Ethnikoi. In the 20th Century, it was reintroduced with the suffix neo (viz. Neopaganism), by various Christian-inspired devotees of Esotericism and the New Age. ‘Neopaganism’ doesn’t concern us. It may even be a manufactured ploy to detract from the current world rule of the so-called ‘Monotheists’. “Pagan” as a pejorative term was used in the past by institutions attempting to destroy other cultures and native/ethnic religions. ______ Lexicon of Hellenic Religion: Orphic Hymn of Gaia: Frequently asked