Patras: Unit of liquefied natural gas to the Port

“The Governing Council of The.L.USA. A.E. (Port Authority Of Patras If. Company), at yesterday’s meeting decided, unanimously, in cooperation with the D.SEQ.A. A.E. (Public Gas Company If. Company) and participating in the submission of a proposal for co-financing of the European mechanism “Connecting Europe facility (cef (Connecting Europe Facility) for the installation of a unit for reception of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the port of Patras”.
In particular, as stated in the notice of the patras port authority s. a., “decided the mood of the necessary siting area to the south port, after having secured the assent of the Department of the Marine & Island Policy, as well as the Sq.A.I. IP.D. (Development Fund Private. Property Public).
Was preceded by extensive consultation and cooperation with the administration and services of D.SEQ.A. A.E. for the natural and technical object of the proposal, which will include, in addition to the land and the necessary port facilities.
The unit will serve needs for the disposal of natural gas as a maritime fuel, and for Industrial and Domestic use.
The syntax of the file of the proposal, at the technical level, have taken on the services of the D.SEQ.A. A.E.
As particularly important, for the support and completeness of the dossier of the proposal as well as the excellent drafting of the technical fiche of the project, valued the contribution of the results of the study developed by the Region of Western Greece and the Technical Chamber of greece, in the framework of the programming contract with the D.SEQ.A. A.E. signed recently.
The advent of natural gas in Western Greece has been a constant request of the political, scientific and productive sector of Western Greece and is a necessary and critical parameter for the economy. It is expected to have significant social and economic benefits and also contribute significantly to the improvement of the environment of the urban area of our city.
The support of the proposal by the political, social and scientific bodies and environmental organisations is of crucial importance for the approval by the competent Greek and European authorities”.

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