Patras: Ready to emigrate abroad by the Πατρινοί doctors – are Unable to pay as their insurance contributions

Impressive are the findings of the internal investigation carried out by the… members of the Medical Association of Patras. Almost all of the respondents, consider that you will never get a pension and at the same time they are unable to pay their insurance contributions, but also to pay the taxes allocated to it. These are the reasons that push today’s on strike. The conditions experienced force them to migrate abroad.
In particular, in a written answer to a questionnaire about the insurance to the members of the Medical Association of Patras, to specific questions the BOARD of directors of the Association, received the following responses, percentage of respondents:
98,2% declare that they are unable to pay the prescribed by the new insurance bill, insurance and tax contributions.
97,3% of them think that they won’t take a pension with ανταποδοτικούς terms
24,4% declare their intention to migration abroad in the immediate period of time
77,1% declare that they will strike on 04/02/2016