The pastine, which has at times its… honorary in Masterchef, is a vegetable rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Tastes sweet like carrot, but leaves a dry, “earthly” aftertaste. According to the FoodData Central database of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), per 100 grams the raw pastine provides: 75 calories 79.5 grams water 1.2 g protein 18 g carbohydrates 4.8 g fiber 0.3 g fat. It also provides many vitamins and trace elements, including: 36 mg calcium 29 mg magnesium 71 mg phosphorus 375 mg potassium 10 mg sodium (salt) 17 mg vitamin C 67 μg folic acid 22.5 μg vitamin K. Also contains vitamin E, thiamine, vitamin B6, zinc and iron. Of these ingredients stand out their fibers, vitamins C and K, as well as its folic acid. Rich in antioxidants and fibers The pastin is rich in antioxidants. These substances protect cells from the attacks of free oxygen roots. Thus, they reduce the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and diabetes mellitus. The most famous of its antioxidants is vitamin C. But it is not the only one. The pastinaki also contains polyacetylene – ingredients that have anticancer properties, according to animal studies. It is also important that it is a wonderful source of soluble and insoluble fibers. A cup of chopped pastin (about 130 grams) provides 6.5 grams of fiber. They correspond to 26% of the amount we need on a daily basis. The fibers pass through the gastrointestinal tract, thus improving the health of the digestive tract. Studies have shown that increased consumption protects them from many digestive problems, such as: Hemorrhoids The incubation disease Constipation The colon cancer. Fibers also help reduce cholesterol levels and regulate blood sugar. They are also important for obtaining and maintaining healthy weight. They also reduce blood pressure and inflammation markers in the body. Body weight Because the pastine provides few calories and at the same time many fibers, it is a wonderful addition to a thinning program. The fibers promote the feeling of satiety of hunger and will thus feel full for longer. According to one analysis, if you increase the intake of fiber by 14 grams, you may reduce the calories you consume by 10%. This leads to a weight loss of 2 kg in less than four months, without any change in diet or exercise. The pastinaki also contains plenty of water, so it contributes to the hydration of the body and reduces calorie intake.
Parsnips: Nutrient value and benefits from the favorite vegetable
in Hello.