Paris: Proposal for 19 Years in Prison to ‘Tinder Rapist’ · Global Voices

The 19-year prison sentence was imposed today (28.03.2024) by the prosecutor of his criminal court against Salim Berada, known to the press under the name “his rapist”, who is accused of sexually raping or assaulting 17 women between 2014-2016. According to Attorney General Philippe Kuroye. this sentence is justified, according to him, by the number of victims lured into his home by this photographer from Paris, aged 38 today, through Tinder and the danger of this self-centered unsatisfied hunter, who questioned all the facts. For many, of course, the penalty is very lenient. In front of the plaintiffs who came to testify with their “wounds still open”, Salim Berada remained “inflexible”, “having been fortified in the concrete shelter of his refusal”, the attorney general denounced. The defendant, who proposed photo sessions at his studio, which was in his home, argued that all these relationships were consensual. The plaintiffs, about 20 years of age most at the time, came to court daily to testify, since the trial began on Monday. They were present today in the courtroom, while the prosecutor was coming back to the story of each one to describe the way the accused, who came from Morocco to France at the age of 20, acted. “He is dangerous,” because “he has no ability to introspection,” the prosecutor added, recalling that he has been prosecuted in another case for similar events. “How can we hope to change behavior… He admits nothing.” The verdict is expected on Friday night, March 29.