PAOK – Panathinaikos 1-3: In the Volley League finals the green

He got the first ticket to her finals. The team of Andreopoulos also finished the PAOK headquarters, winning the Northern Bicephalos 3-1 set, made 3-1 in the semi-finals and qualified for the finals, where he waits for the winner of the Olympiacos-Milon couple. PAOK renewed his hopes after winning Panathinaikos in the third semi-final, but the greens gave… answers, finishing the series in Thessaloniki. The total of Andreopoulos won PAOK 3-1 sets, despite losing Protopsaltis with injury in the third set. Panathinaikos will claim the title of champion with a seat advantage against the winner of Olympiacos – Milos. The Pirates lead 2-1 in wins and are the ultimate favourite to meet the greens in the finals and defend their title. As for the development of the fourth semi-final, Panathinaikos entered very loudly and preceded with 2–0 sets. PAOK, taking advantage of Protopsaltis’ injury, reacted and reduced very easily to 2-1, however the greens were superior to the fourth set and arrived with characteristic comfort in winning. Sets : 21-25, 23-25, 25-18, 19-25.

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