Overtaking from the left” wants to do the Mitsotakis

To open the blue agenda and in the field of social policy the government is attempting to make…
“field” and to fend off the shots for “neoliberal policies at the expense of the lower layers” attempts Kyriakos Mitsotakis, opening up the range of the programme of the opposition.
The measures of the agreement of the government of SYRIZA – ANEL with lenders ψηφισμένα, the blue team know that the programme for government of the SOUTHWEST now must have even more consideration for the people who will be affected by the φοροεισπρακτικά measures. Therefore, in Syngrou attempt to overtake from left, the government, which no longer walks the path of painful capitulation and the wrong policy mix.
“The SW is processing the schedule for all the axes of social policy, utilizing scientists,officers of the society & of the market,” he stressed during an event in the Sector of social Solidarity of the SOUTHWEST the president of the opposition before more than 300 guests, διαμηνύοντας that “Social Solidarity is above political parties and political beliefs”.
“When you have to help, never asking for political or partisan identity. Offer the same to all those in need,” added the president of the New Republic, stressing that “our plan will include policies to combat poverty and social exclusion, the support of people with special needs, the comprehensive implementation of the policy of minimum guaranteed income, as a pilot we had started in 2014, the promotion of active welfare policies”.

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