Outlook: Microsoft adds support for Google Drive and Facebook Photos!

Microsoft enhances even more the service Outlook.com announcing that it now supports the Google Drive for the…
cloud storage / file sharing, and direct sharing photos to Facebook.
The company notes that the mobile applications of Outlook is compatible with Box, Dropbox and Google Drive. To add your account you need to open a new email, press the icon for the attached files and from there select Google Drive. You will then be prompted for the data entry into Google Drive and in the following you will have immediate access to your files.
The same applies to the photos from your account on Facebook. Select the icon for the attachment within a new email, find the Facebook and sign in with your entry on the social network.
Finally, Microsoft added an interesting tool for you to find with ease the supporting files to a cluster of emails. By clicking on the icon of the attachments, you will see a drop-down list that includes all the attachments of this discussion.
The changes will become apparent to all in the next few weeks.

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