Oranges for the viruses, the heart, cholesterol, eyes, arthritis, anti-aging

The Angelic Milios, biologist
The orange is one of the most well-known citrus…
The most natural and tasty way to armor our body is orange. By including it in your daily diet, you will feel vitality and well-being, while vitamin C will help to combat more easily the seasonal viruses in the winter.
The consumption of oranges helps in asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and rheumatism. It is also a valuable ally in the prevention of the stone in the kidneys, and diabetes and reduces the levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure.
The positive effects of vitamin C relate to many organs: it Helps the immune system (i.e. the body’s defenses), it is beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, is a basic prerequisite for the production of collagen which is a fundamental element structure of bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments and other organs.
Apart from vitamin C, but also contains sugars, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, thiamine, ριβοφλαμίνη and other B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc in a small percentage… the list is endless!
In particular, 1 glass of natural orange juice (250 ml) contains:
protein 1.76 g,
fat 0, 496, g,
carbohydrates 25,792 g,
fiber 0, 496, g,
calcium 27,280 mg,
iron 0,496 g,
phosphorus 42,160 mg,
vitamin C 124 mg,
vitamin B1 0,223 mg,
folic acid 74,400 mg.
In addition it contains more than 170 phytochemicals with antioxidant properties that prevent the production of free radicals, 38 limonoids which protect the body from many forms of cancer and 60 flavonoid compounds that also “arm” the human body in the fight against cancer!
Contains compounds with prominent antioxidant effects, offering maximum protection against the excessive production of free radicals, molecules with highly detrimental effect on the cell. These substances belong to three large categories: the flavonoids, limonoids and carotenoids.

What are the benefits to the health of the oranges?
1. Due to the content of antioxidants can reduce the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, larynx and stomach by 50%.
2. The daily consumption of citrus fruits (1 grapefruit or 2 oranges) has been shown to reduce by 20% the risk of cardiovascular disease, while in 19% the risk of stroke.
3. Due to the increased content of vitamin C, strengthens the body’s defenses and fights the effects of free radicals that cause aging and degenerative diseases.
4. Still, the juice is rich in potassium (300 mg in the glass), which helps in elimination of liquids and toxins, and calcium (73 mg in the glass) that is necessary for the proper structure and development of the skeleton.
5. It is beneficial in all bronchial and asthmatic diseases, as well as in cases of weakness, and it is considered a tonic for the heart and a stimulant for the circulation.
6. Researchers of Florida state, also, that the oranges and other fruits the family of citrus fruits have the ability to reduce cholesterol. Many data indicate that the pectin, a fiber in the peel and membranes of oranges and grapefruit,-, lowers cholesterol in humans.
7. The orange juice from the very old years, is used effectively for the control of virus infection.
8. The substances τανγκερετίνη and κουερσπίνη, which are found in orange, prevent the creation of carcinogenic substances caused by cigarette smoke. Smokers so, you will need to increase their consumption.
9. A glass of natural orange juice contains a significant amount of folic acid, which protects against heart attacks, while at the same time is a key ingredient in the manufacture of blood.
10. Finally, according to extensive research by the World Health Organisation, regular consumption of oranges prevents diseases such as arthritis, obesity and the degeneration of the macula of the eye that is the most important cause of blindness in the elderly.
All of these components and the properties of add, we would say that the divisions of a simple piece of fruit in a valuable drug and a potent ally for the prevention of diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, strokes and obesity.

Oranges and maintenance
To choose tight oranges, heavy for their size, to be more juicy. The oranges kept quite. You can keep them at room temperature or in the refrigerator up to two weeks. The juice and zest kept it in the freezer.