Only 1 in 10 illegal immigrants have the characteristics of a refugee – Up and jamaicans are coming illegally to our Country

Why the so-called “refugee” should be entering, indeed, in quotation marks, while the…
fact is illegal immigration, is shown by the events of the last few days.
Specifically, only one in ten of the total of 124 immigrants who arrived in Mytilene the last three days and managed to record features of the refugee, and among them were illegal immigrants until and from… Jamaica!
So, among the 124 registered illegal immigrants – a total of 184 who arrived on the island in the eastern Aegean in the last three days – we have and we say:
54 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
7 from Ethiopia
3 from Algeria
3 from Ghana
3 from Guinea
3 from Mali
12 from Cameroon
2 from Bangladesh
4 from Sierra Leone
5 from Angola
9 from Eritrea
1 from Nigeria, Sudan, Côte d’ivoire, the Gambia, Jamaica and Turkey
The last one asked for political asylum stating opponent of the regime Erdogan. On the contrary, features a refugee had only ten Iraqis, two Syrians and an Afghan.
From the description of the nationality of these people who came illegally in our Country, it is obvious that it is not a question of refugees, the overwhelming majority, but clearly illegal immigrants.
The outdated (but always dangerous) obsession, however, the government and other fellow travelers of the “constitutional arc”, have been taken care of so that our Country has turned into a place for the reception and retention of a myriad of truly illegal immigrants, who are considered as “refugees” while this designation does not correspond to the minimum in fact.