On Thursday, March 28th, the new issue of the Orthodox Ark is released.

The new sheet of the newspaper “Civoti of Orthodoxy” is released on Thursday, March 28 On Thursday 28th the newspaper Ark of Orthodoxy on demand, re-releases the valuable image The Annunciation of the Virgin “Today of our salvation the Chapter, and of the time of mystery the revelation; the Son of God, the Son of the Virgin is made, and Gabriel is declaring good news. For we, along with this Virgin Mary, cry; Hail Keharitized, the Lord is with you.” extremely tasteful wooden with embossed chrysotype, Byzantine style with a special protective case in regular size with a quote from the Holy Sequence at the back of the picture Read more: The Feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary and the need for “reevangelism” of the faithful Mission and the “responsibility” of the Church of Australia Makarios: To bear witness to our faith MEETING: Arushas Canthonikos: The main problems in Africa are the orphania and the ignorance of New Ionias Gabriel: The relationship between Hellenism and Orthodoxy, Syros Dorotheos, is unmistakable: The Church to turn more to the afflicted man For earlier inserts of the Ark, information and orders, please contact +30 210 692321, books@ikivotos.gr Daily, except for weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 15:00 p.m.