NOW: protest March of the workers of Softex out by the Ministry of Labour…

Protest march in the centre of Athens…
with extension of the ministry of Labour made by employees in Softex, during the closure of the factory and of their dismissal.
The parent company of Bolton Group, based in Italy, announced the closure of the factory snap last week, citing the huge financial burden that resulted from the fire that broke out in the factory at the Botanical gardens, at the beginning of July. At this time, the workers have assembled outside the ministry of Labour and representatives meet with the political leadership. The workers are asking for to be taken care of in order not to close the factory.
With an announcement of the ministry of Labour, said that it would do everything possible not to close the factory and lose about 200 jobs.
“The Ministry of Labour denouncing the multinational company and declares that, in cooperation with the employees and the administration of the Softex, I’d exhausted every legal possibility to any direction, in order to continue the operation of the plant and the preservation of jobs. We must all understand that Greece is not anymore the country of arbitrariness to the detriment of the economy and of work” noted in the announcement.

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