Not planning the reorganization of the CIA, the Trump

A representative…
Donald Trump has denied today that the next president of the united states is planning to reorganise the services, information, dismissing as unfounded a report in the Wall Street Journal.
According to the newspaper, the Trump wants to restructure the CIA and to limit the powers of the office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) shall coordinate the 17 intelligence agencies of the united states.
“This information is incorrect,” said Sean Spicer, a spokesman for the republican bob tycoon, in a telephone call with reporters. “The idea of a restructuring of the infrastructure of the community service information is not true. It is 100% false,” he added.
The publication, which cites anonymous sources close to the heir to Barack Obama, argues that Trump has expressed a desire to learn the services to cooperate better between them.
Relationships of Trump with the services, information, or strained after Washington accused official Moscow that was responsible for the cyber attacks on the Democratic Party during the election period.