Nikos Chountis: “The renewal and strengthening of NATO means new dangers of conflict”

The mep of the Democratic Unity Nikos Chountis, speaking at the conference of the Eurogroup of the Left (GUE/NGL)…
was held in Brussels on the issue of military engagements of NATO and International Peace, pointed out among other things:
“Today, despite any changes have been made, NATO is in a phase of continuous recruitment of new members, has 28 members, but has 21 partners.
The recruitment of new members was, and is, targeted.
Addressed in the former Soviet Republics.
Penetrated in the Balkans, with a typical case of Montenegro.
Approached countries that had remained neutral in the cold war, such as Austria, and the Scandinavian countries..
We have an extension in every direction, in what concerns the european level, but not only.
What revealing we are in the trend of renewal, strengthening of NATO and of the fields of action of:
At the beginning of July we have a NATO summit. We have a sample where this is going, NATO, what is the role of, and because there are acute problems, conflicts in a number of points, and because they seem to be plans for expansion of the conflict and for new interventions, we should watch with great interest what will be decided.
We have repeated statements, on the occasion of the refugee, for the close cooperation of the EU with NATO.
Already the Council of defense ministers of the NATO has presented a plan for the full development of nato forces from the Baltic, the Black sea, the Caucasus, to the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean.
Already in the parliamentary meeting of NATO countries have decided that, by 2020, all states should have adjusted their defense spending to 2%.
These are worrying signs in where and how they will evolve the action of NATO.
On the occasion of the refugee, we have NATO’s involvement in the Aegean, in the area of the Eastern Mediterranean, where, among other things, are created, revived problems of contesting Greek national sovereign rights by Turkey.
Targeting is the strong military presence in the region of Syria, and not to address the issue of refugee flows, as it is called, as these military interventions have resulted in Syria, and not only, the large refugee flows.
It is confirmed from many sides, that the next goal is again Libya.
We have problems in terms of the enlargement to the East, the installation of the “missile zone” countries, as in Romania, the expansion in Scandinavia but also in the other Baltic countries, which in the process of launching countermeasures from the Russian side.
The situation is confirmed by all sides that it is critical and alarming.
The renewal and strengthening of NATO means new dangers of conflict, the people must resist, not justified no complacency”.