Nicole Kidman declares that she wants to be a mom at 49 years old!

Nicole Kidman spoke to The Mail of Sunday Magazine and revealed her wish for the 2017…
“I still have my hopes for 2017. Keith and I would like to make a lot of babies. My grandmother gave birth to my mother at 49. I’d be more than happy and I would have welcomed you with wide open arms!”, he said and continued referring to the many efforts to have a child when she was married to Tom Cruise:
“Are you trying again and again and your heart breaks. And then you decide that you’re not meant to be. I had to take a decision and really didn’t think I had a child at 41. And then it happened!”.
“We wanted very much to have a second child and to give a sibling to our daughter. We had decided for a surrogate mother. And then it came to the life of our Faith!”.
The well-known actress has two adopted children from his first marriage with Cruz, the 25-year-old Isabella, and the 22-year-old Connor while her first biological child acquired at the age of 41 years old from the second marriage. Today they have two biological children.

Her relationship with the two adopted children he said: “We are at peace… it’s still a part of my life and of my heart but they are adults anymore, they have their own lives and I’m overprotective in relation to the safeguarding of their privacy. It is true that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep in touch with the kids as they get older, but your kids will always be your children!”.

(With adopted children)