Mr. Brown, in the library, with the knife
Image by minifig
(Title) begins Monday with the participation of the Greek Police, the Financial Crime and the City of Athens “Operation safe City. “The aim is still to be consolidating the feeling of security in the world,” says “new” a senior Ministry of Civil Protection, which has overall supervision of the project.
Rising crime rates in downtown Athens , hundreds of complaints of residents and professionals who have been victims of theft and assault and the impact on tourism urged relevant bodies to implement new policing plan. Preceded by a finding by an interministerial committee and others with suggestions on what can be done in the city center.
Followed by analysis of indicators of crime by area and street in the center of the capital of the General Police Directorate Attica and on this basis will be the first phase of the project.
These are areas where rampant drug trafficking, the paremporio, prostitution and there have been hundreds of grab bags, robberies, attacks on passers-by and car drivers The analysis has shown a map of crime areas and times where they are attacking people who are served by public transport in the capital, but the gang activity that the parameters of the Police have split the city center in areas of control. Will come under attack and circuits operating beggars. Motorcycle
Mixed echelons of the Police made up of groups of Z-Dias and Security will begin to map what exists in these streets and squares. The project involves the recording of shops, hotels and apartments where they find shelter illegal immigrants for a fee.
In some areas, where police fear to occur events are developed and Riot Police. Additionally developed prose and on-board patrols.
According to the design, depending on the crimes occur more frequently in an area developed or similar police forces. “For example in the streets of Socrates, Sophocles, St. Constantine and Square Depths is a serious problem with drug trafficking. On these roads, the gross scale will include officers of Narcotics. In Veranzerou the Euripides Square Koumoundourou where prostitution, and police will be at the Department of Ethics, “explains the” new “senior officer of the Police
from the Press Office of the Hellenic Police and NEW!!!
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20100203 – political spectrum quiz – combined results – Clint (red), Carolyn (blue)
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL)
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Seat of power
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