To investigate more their tragic accident by setting up a Parliamentary pre-interrogation committee to investigate any crimes committed in the performance of his duties by former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Constantine Karamanlis, suggests in her conclusion to the committee of inquiry into Tempes, her MP, Petis Perca. In a statement, Mrs Perca noted that “we did not deny the common finding. On the contrary, we have stated that we are positive in a joint conclusion of Parliamentary Groups (C.O.) except for the far right. But a common conclusion means discussion, consultation and consultation. It is not possible for us to have a conclusion at the last minute that has nothing to do with what has been discussed – it was submitted to the committee of inquiry and which was apparently drawn up in a law firm. In fact, we still don’t know how this finding is eventually shaped since we have reportedly still not seen its final form.” As he noted, “just because the crime of the Tempes and the vindication of the victims is far above micro-political we are tabling our own finding which is a product of all those that we have laid down in the examination and no serious argument opposed, all those admitted by the witnesses and the rebuttal with evidence of all the lies that some witnesses foreshadowed Mr Karamanlis. So let the crocodile tears be left by Syriza’s colleagues because their paternalism is not only good for the case. We hope that justice will take advantage of the elements we are quoting and the parliamentary majority will finally save that it can be saved from its credibility and agree to a pre-interrogation committee to investigate any crimes that former Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Constantine Karamanlis has committed in the performance of his duties. In any case we believe that we have done our best and we will continue the fight so that the ND will not be able to cover up the crime,” said Mrs. Perca. What conclusions of the finding The conclusions of the New Left MP, P. Perca include the following: 1.There is no doubt that for many decades the railway was not in government priorities. Our references to the resources given in the 1990s-2000s by the 3rd Community Support Framework, the Cohesion Fund, the NSRF etc. and to the fact that the country remained on a single railway line, with manual systems and with an uncoordinated network, were confirmed by the testimony of the witnesses of that period. As well as the list of several projects that began in the 1990s rough, to be completed, if completed, nearly 20 years later (as above analysed, p. 14). 2.The waste of resources combined with the unplanned multi-dispersion of railway companies, left the railway network in tragic condition. 3.It is worth noting the unacceptable sloppyness (?), by which the Greek state signed contracts that not only did not defend the public interest, but cause questions of prudent administration. A typical example of ETCS’ 10005 contract signed in 2007, while the pre-requisite 717 in 2014, with all the failures identified by E.D.EL., the Court of Auditors and all those involved in controlling this contract. 4.The construction companies are also responsible, which often laid the terms of contracts and did not comply with their obligations. In the case of contract 717 there was a serious problem in the Consortium, with the refusal of co-signing of studies by the borrower ALSTOM FERROVIARIA, which was identified by E.D.EL. 5. As of 2019 a dramatic collapse of the railway is detected, culminating in the year 2023 in colliding frontal trains moving on a double line. This is also recorded from the absorptions of ERGOSE, which are currently moving at extremely low levels – for example, in 2020, it was historically low, with 45 million euros. In 2015-2018 the total absorption was around 1 billion euros while in 2019-2023 250m euros. 6.In the past four years, the ND government has had dozens of warnings regarding the safety issues of the railway network and the overall collapse of the railway. 7.At the responsibility of the ND government, all security safeguards that could have prevented the tragic accident were gradually abandoned: telegovernment in Larissa, which in addition to visual control of the line in the area, when operating, there was always a second stationmaster. The secondary control centre in Charles, the GSM-R radio communication system and, of course, the constantly deteriorating situation in the OSE, culminating in the “probably illegal” transfer of the fatal stationmaster (as analysed above, p. 16-18). 8.Despite the fact that 717 is a highly problematic contract, in 2015-2019 it was proceeding, while efforts were made by ERGOSE to complete the projects and not pay the public compensation to contractors, which would be done if it denounced the contract. In order for the government of the South West to finally take over and to ‘implement’ the development of the contract. Progress rates speak for themselves, 72% in May 2019, 77% in February 2023. 9 February 2020, with the presence of G. G. Transport, N. Stathopoulos, ERGOSE and the contractor, in March 2020 it is decided to proceed with the Supplementary Convention on the basis of a new technical proposal from the contractor. This proposal, however, included the dismantling of equipment that worked well and had been paid with EU funds, as stated in its letter of resignation in 2022 by the President of the ETCS Committee, H. Katsoulis. 10.The draft Complementary Convention was retabled in 2020 for approval to the Court of Auditors, which responded with the controversial phrase “unacceptably resubmitted …”, not apparently having full knowledge of the new data. In addition, the Court of Auditors was not informed that ERGOSE would be able to dismantle existing equipment, which, although not affecting the economic balance of the Convention, would certainly have consequences for its time development. 11.The signing of the SA is almost 2 years late, under the responsibility of ERGOSE, since, among other things, the company has strangely hired a TTE expert to check the systems, the leading company Alstom – Ferroviaria in this sector. Upon completion of the inquiry after 12 months (!), the expert, Mr. Valavanis, is hired as adviser to the CEO of ERGOSE. 12.At the same time, in January 2021, by decision K. Karamanlis, the consortium receives 2.8m euros for positive damages (plus 500m euros from ERGOSE) and while under special invitation, that is one step before discount! The compensation is signed by G. G. Infrastructure, instead of the competent G. G. Transport, who resigns at the same period, while the question is mistaken whether his resignation has anything to do with this unprecedented compensation. (as previously analysed, p. 21-24). 13. From the above ‘strange’ coincidences, in addition to the question of the reason for the resignation of N. Stathopoulos, the following is raised: if there was an unseen negotiation, with the involvement of ERGOSE and Ministry, to find solutions to the internal problems of the Consortium and to proceed after successive delays, with the compensation being part of any agreement reached (as previously analysed, p. 21-24). 14.Dark point remains the cause of the large fire caused during the collision, while experts’ findings suggest that the commercial train is a strange cargo. Unspecified remains who gave the order to ‘screw’ the site, resulting in valuable data being lost (as previously analysed, p. 30-31). 15.With regard to the above questions, but also others that arose during the meetings of the Committee of Inquiry, no answers were given, since the cover-up, confusion and disorientation, was from the outset the intention of the government majority. “Of all the above and in view of the fact that after 20/2/2024, when the government decided not to extend the list of witnesses – in total contrast to what it was up to that time assured, which forced us to leave the Committee of Inquiry – and in the event that the proceedings of the Committee of Inquiry were completed prematurely, criminal proceedings were sent by the Larisa Appeals Prosecutor’s Office, it is undeniable that new facts have arisen,” Ms. Perca, as a member of the Committee of Inquiry on “the investigation of the Crime of Tempes”. See in detail the conclusion.
New Left for Temby: To be investigated above by setting up a pre-interrogation committee
in Political