New ‘exotic’ particle discovered by scientists in the united states

A new member of the “family” of exotic particles with… name τετρακουάρκ, discovered scientists from the consortium DZero at National Laboratory Accelerators Fermi (Fermilab) in the USA.
Like the other members of the same “family”, so the new particle composed of four quarks.
Quarks are fundamental building blocks of matter which are found mainly in the interior of protons and neutrons, and are divided into six types, depending on the “flavor” or “aroma”.
The individuality of this particle, as is the rest of the “family” to which it belongs, is the number of quarks of which it is composed. That’s because, as a rule, the quarks are joined by two or three, to form heavier particles.
The first τετρακουάρκ was detected in 2003, in the experiment Belle. Although since then have found several particles of the same class, the golgi was found by the consortium DZero is the first that has been formed by four quarks with different “flavors” or “flavors”.
The identification was made through the analysis of data from the collider Tevatron of Fermilab. Although the operation of the accelerator has stopped since 2011, scientists continue to process the billions of metrics that resulted from the conflicts on the inside.
The first indications for the new τετρακουάρκ dating back to last July, with the researchers to give the name X(5568) in the discovery.
However, as has happened with other discoveries, initially scientists did not consider that the X(5568) this is indeed a new particle.
“In the beginning, we thought that we had found a new particle,” says the site Dmitry Ντενίσοφ, spokesman of DZero.
“Only when we have confirmed many times the result, we started to realize that the mark could not be explained by any known process, and that it was evidence of a new particle”.
Anyway, the X(5568) stand out from the rest τετρακουάρκ. And that’s because while all the other particles in this category include at least two quarks with the same flavor, the X(5568) consists of quarks of different flavors: up, down, strange and low.
“The next step is to figure out exactly how to combine these four quarks,” adds Paul Γκράνις, a researcher from the consortium.
Although there is no physical law that forbids the union of four building blocks, the τετρακουάρκ is rare.
Scientists hope that they will be able to explain the reason for studying the properties of X(5568), such as, for example, splits.
In this way, it is expected to also offer the theoretical physicists new data to develop models that will explain even better the structure of matter.