New episodes on the island of Kos and wild-bashing Congressman…

Residents of Kos made the Sunday…
a new course in the centre of the city and ended up in the offices of SYRIZA.
The group of residents continues its action in response to the creation of a hot spot for refugees on the island.
With their cars and walk the residents ended up in the offices of SYRIZA, where complained about the centre for migration refugees. A protester shouted from a bullhorn “it’s time for you to kill each other, thugs, betrayed my family” while the crowd was the slogan: “Thugs, traitors, politicians…”
Honk to Elijah Kamatero
Then the group of demonstrators identified and ruled out in the cafeteria, the mp of SYRIZA Elias Kamatero.
The protesters stormed the cafe where he was and began to call to resign….

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