New battery technology will double the autonomy of smartphones in 2017

Have read at times …
various news relating to the evolution of the battery and the new technologies that will give solution to the serious problem of the autonomy of portable devices.
However, the years go by and in addition to small (and apparently καλοδεχούμενων) improvements, we have seen a revolution in this field. Without we keep a big basket, maybe from next November to see some truly radical improvement thanks to SolidEnergy Systems.
The start-up company launched by MIT has announced that it will be released to the trade in the first rechargeable battery of lithium-metal (Li-Metal), which is intended initially for use in drones, but it can gradually be used in smartphones, cameras and even electric cars.
The batteries are lithium-metal offer greater capacity than the lithium-ion batteries (Li-Ion), however, has not moved their operation because overheat and degrade drastically during the recharge, with the result to have a short life expectancy.
However, the researchers of SolidEnergy Systems have managed to find a solution to the problems by replacing the anode of the battery with a thin metal sheet, which is embedded in a solution of electrolyte.
This change had the effect of reducing the size of the battery in half, to increase the capacity of (the sheet of metal can hold more ions) and resistance to high temperatures (e.g. in the electrolyte).
With time they managed to create a rechargeable battery of lithium-metal without the risk of ignition and capable of operating in a variety of different temperatures.
According to the company, the mass production can be done with the same equipment used for the lithium-ion batteries.
“We can manufacture a battery the size of a lithium-ion battery, with the difference that now you can take two times more”
Let’s see if I can trust a big manufacturer for the devices.

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