A physically healthy 28-year-old from , she decided to put an end to her life with , as there is a continuous battle with “desisting depression”, autism and marginal personality disorder. Zoraya ter Beek, who lives in a small village in the Netherlands near the German border, is scheduled to undergo euthanasia in May – despite being in love with her 40-year-old friend and living with two cats. Ter Beek, who once aspired to become a psychiatrist, has been facing mental health problems throughout her life. She said she decided to undergo euthanasia after her doctors told her that there is nothing else “that we can do for you. It will never get better,” according to The Free Press. “I was always very clear that if the situation didn’t improve, I couldn’t go on,” Ter Beek said. The 28-year-old case highlights the shocking reality that more and more people decide to put an end to their lives while suffering from mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety reinforced by economic uncertainty, climate change, social media… Ter Beek plans to be cremated after the euthanasia she wants to do on her living room couch. A doctor will first give her a sedative and then a medicine that will stop her heart. Her partner will be on her side by the end. Please stop pioneering me! Please stop Tagging me! I closed my comments and DM. TAKE A FREAKING HINT! 🤨 I don’t need medical tips! I will never believe in any god. NO = NO Show some respect for my choice, my limit, or leave me alone! — Zoraya (@ZorayaTerBeek) “The doctor really takes his time. It’s not like he comes in and says: “ Lie down, please!”. Most of the time they first drink a cup of coffee to calm the nerves and create a mild atmosphere,” he said. “Then he asks me if I’m ready and then I get comfortable on the couch. He’ll ask me again if I’m sure he’ll start the process and wish me a good trip. Or, in my case, a good sleep, because I hate when people say: “Have a good trip”. I’m not going anywhere.” No funeral will follow. Ter Beek, who does not have many relatives, said her friend would scatter her ashes to “a nice spot in the forest” they have chosen. “I’m a little afraid of death, because it’s the absolute unknown,” he said. “We don’t really know what’s next – or is there anything? That’s the scary one.” The Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalize assisted suicide in 2001 . Since then it has become an increasingly popular choice among the population.
Netherlands: Because a physically healthy 28 – year – old wants to end her life with euthanasia
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