Mitsotakis to Europeans: Ready to rule and to take tough measures

The president of the SOUTHWEST is preparing his bags for Brussels, in order to participate in the meeting of the European People’s Party, the next…
On Wednesday and Thursday.
With the fresh taste from the discussion of the budget, which confirmed, for him, the unreliability of Alexis Tsipras, Kyriakos Mitsotakis is preparing his bags for Brussels, in order to participate in the meeting of the European People’s Party, next Wednesday and Thursday.
The assurance in the House of mr Tsipras that will exhausted and the last day of the four-year period, while just five days ago Euclid Τσακαλώτος threatened their partners with premature recourse to the polls is one more proof of that, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the bilingualism of the prime minister and the lack of seriousness that it displays in both top topics.
Strains of Piraeus wondering if the one week threaten their partners with elections and the other do you assure the Greek parliament that will wear out the four years, how much seriousness and stability you carry both outside and inside?
Exactly the opposite picture from that of mr Tsipras, i.e., the image of a serious and reliable leader will try to build once again in the contacts with the european officials, the president of the SW.
In the two days you will stay in Brussels, mr Mitsotakis will meet with the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, the vice-president Vladis Dombrovskis, European Commissioner, Pierre Moscovici, while it is possible in the margins of the EPP to be a short meeting with the Ανγκέλα Merkel.
In all the meetings, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will use the same language that it uses in-house and will send a message to everyone that he is ready, not only to take over the governance of the country, but also to get what tough measures are needed, in order for the country to escape permanently from the dark tunnel in which it is located for 6 years.
On my way back from Brussels, mr. Mitsotakis will visit next Weekend in Thrace, a visit that was prepared and was going to be on Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November.
On the same days, though, and all of a sudden chose and the prime minister to visit Thrace.
In fact, in the middle of that week there was a communication from the office of mr. Mitsotakis with the office of mr Tsipras, and in order not to be political controversy on such a sensitive national area the president of the New Republic chose to postpone the trip and visited the Continent.
A new hotbed of confrontation with SYRIZA opening statements of former Justice minister, Nikos Paraskevopoulos, who not only asked me to decriminalized the burning of the Greek flag, but he spoke with positive words for the Golden Dawn, saying that if he decides to operate within a democratic framework, should support this change the rest of the democratic parties.
Cycles of Piraeus appreciate that this statement, as a follow-up visit in Kastelorizo with the participation of Χρυσαυγιτών members, are part of a revival of the old crush SYRIZA – Golden Dawn, which has denounced the New Republic, and the tons will be hoisted on this issue, in the next few days.