Mistletoe Φερχόφστατ: it is in the interests of the EU, the solution of the Cyprus problem under the umbrella of foreign guarantors

The solution of the cyprus problem under the umbrella of foreign guarantors, rather than under the auspices of the EU, will not be to the benefit of the…
Europe, says the President of the party Alliance of Liberals and Democrats and a former prime minister of Belgium Gi Φερχόφστατ.
In an interview given to the newspaper “ Kathimerini”, mr. Φερχόφστατ features as scandalous the fact that the process of resolving the Cyprus problem is not guaranteed directly by the EU or even that it is not under the auspices of the.
“It is indeed a scandal, the fact that it is the EU Body that will eventually find a solution to the Cyprus problem. Cyprus is part of Europe besides. I do not understand why we should be giving contractor (outsource) the Cyprus issue to third parties…we Need to stop selling our protection to third parties. As the EU must not tolerate this,” he adds.
It also notes that “what we need now is to be the next step in Switzerland, as well as a possible reunification of the island will have extremely positive consequences”, by expressing the hope “that this time will be no agreement”.
Expressing support to the process of resolving the Cyprus issue, notes further that “the solution would be proof that a multicultural society is possible”.
“A possible reunification of Cyprus will be the proof that in the beginning of the 21st century we can no longer organize societies in a different way without the imposition of violence. Also it would be a symbolic character, especially in the light of developments in Ukraine, Crimea, Libya and Syria”, he concludes.