Mistakes are the divorced parents

The divorce, even consensual, is a difficult decision for parents, let alone children. It’s not a few even the kids that are invited to play the role of a “broker” between parents, if the climate between them is hostile, and others that “mourn” the loss of a parent when all of a sudden she has moved to another home. There are also children who are called upon to comfort a parent, if he’s that hurt the relationship.
In any case, the divorce hurts, even if it is happening when the kids are at an older age. This, however, in these cases it is the parents handle the situation correctly and not to “destroy” emotionally for their children.
See what are the 7 biggest mistakes that make the divorced parents, and try to avoid them…
1. Fighting in front of the kids. Even if it’s over the phone or in another room, that does not mean that the child is not listening or doesn’t understand. And do more damage than you can imagine.
2. Ask children to bear the burden of the decision or to choose whose side they will take. And that’s something that fills you with guilt, anxiety, confusion. Take your decisions yourself, so that the children don’t feel responsible.
3. They forget to highlight that despite the breakup, they are still mom and dad and how their love will still be great. The fear of loss is a huge emotional burden for a child’s soul.
4. Confide details about the divorce as if they are dealing with an adult in order to gain sympathy or emotional support.
5. Underestimate and offend in every way the other parent and create in this way, confusion, guilt, sadness, insecurity and low self-esteem in children.
6. Alienate the child from the other parent for their own selfish reasons . This is one reason for which I resent a lot of children later in their adult life.
7. Ask the children to spy on and to learn details of the personal life of the other parent. Let kids enjoy their childhood without the responsibilities of an adult on their backs.
Repair your mistakes
Many divorced parents reading the above mistakes can recognize their own behaviors and identify.
Is it ever too late to correct one’s mistakes? No, because children are extremely lenient, at least if they are still young because as they grow they become more hard. So if you make mistakes, it is important to do the following:
Apologize to the kids by saying that you are sorry for your behavior.
Explain in detail what exactly you have done wrong and change your behavior here and in the following.
Allow your child to make a special mark when you are out of line. For example, tell him to raise her hand when she feels that you are taking in a difficult position with your chats, something that will act like a time-out and will make you stop immediately.

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