Mission in the Caucasus is preparing the Βολιώτης climber. Μαγγίτσης

The ascent in the Caucasus in early July of 2016 is preparing a group of Greek climbers, led by The mountaineer Nico Μαγγίτση, who has been at the…
assets of the 58 mountaineering missions and not only. Speaking to ERT Volos Nikos Μαγγίτσης reported that this period of training with Paul Παρασκευόπουλο, George Ράιο and other young climbers to climb in the Caucasus while collaborating with their colleagues in Russia for the whole preparation. Mr. Μαγγίτσης has climbed in the Caucasus, the other two times with the last in 2013, as mr. Ράιος and have knowledge of the mountain, but the cooperation with the Russians climbers is essential.
In preparation, except for the sports part, included acquaintance and use of new materials for climbing and proper acclimatization. Unfortunately, donors and sponsors become extinct in the last few years and the Greeks climbers put you deep your hand in your pocket to participate in missions. “We can’t be in the game and don’t participate in at least one mission for the year abroad if we are to operate in peaks over 8000 meters” explained mr. Μαγγίτσης.

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