Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry: Extensions of payment deadlines due to a special bank holiday

The Independent Public Revenue Authority (ADE) officially announced today the extension of payment deadlines due to a special bank holiday. In particular, the announcement of the Ministry of Finance and the AADE notes that the deadlines for payment of debts and instalments are extended due to a Catholic Easter, until 2 April 2024. In detail the announcement: We inform the taxpayers that, under the POL Decision. 1061/2018 (Government B 1167), the deadlines for the payment of the certified debts to the Tax Administration and the instalments of arrangements / facilities ending on the designated days of special interbank holidays (29/3/2024 and 1/4/2024 – Catholic Easter) are extended until the following working day, i.e. until 2 April 2024. The deadlines for submitting declarations ending on Friday 29/3 and Monday 1/4 are not affected by the bank holiday and remain unchanged