Mexico: Tragedy of an explosion in the market of fireworks with 29 dead and dozens wounded

A series of powerful explosions rocked the market of fireworks in the city Τουλτεπέκ, in Mexico, spreading death with dozens of victims.
The explosion happened in the market in fireworks, Like Pablito, in the area Τουλτέπεκ, about 32 km. to the north of the City of Mexico.
According to the local MEDIA, the explosion killed 29 while at least 70 more people were injured.
Footage from local television showed fireworks exploding in all directions and a huge cloud of smoke rose up from the market.

Tv shots show successive explosions, a giant cloud of smoke rising into the sky over the open market, as well as the fireworks explode, turning the market into an open field.Shots from the air looked burned, gazebos and buildings damaged.

The causes of the tragic incident have not been made known.This is the third time in a decade that made explosions of fireworks in the mentioned market.A similar explosion had become in the popular market in September 2005, just before the celebrations for the national day of liberation, injuring several people.Source

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