Mexico: Sacks with Remains of Bodies in ‘Improvised Crematorium’

In front of a ghastly spectacle, people found an organization looking for missing persons, as they spotted an “auto-paint crematorium” with human remains in the west. A total of 25 sacks of corpse remains, containing bones and charred tissues, were found on Sunday (24.3.2024) in El Salto, Halisco, the state that counts the largest number of missing persons in Mexico, some 15,000 people. “We ran into an improvised oven,” explained Indira Navarro, of the Guerreros Buscadores collective, at the French Agency. “Looking a little, we started to swear bones and skin pieces, burnt human flesh, stench was unbearable”. The improvised incinerator still supplied smoke, he added. The prosecution, responsible for verifying complaints of this nature, has not yet expressed itself. In the same state, Halisco, five bodies – four men and one woman – were found on a road between the municipalities of Encarnación and Lagos de Moreno. Collectives looking for missing persons say that drug cartels and other criminal organizations use ovens to charred their victims and eliminate any trace of them. Dos hornos artesanales a nivel de piso, 27 bolsas con restos humanos, 7 fosas, infinidad de huesos calcinados, piezas dentales y ropa fue lo encontrado al interior de una finca abandonada sobre la privada la Peñita casi esquina con la Piedrera en la colonia Las Pintitas, El Salto — Leonardo Schwebel (@LeoSchwebel) In October, another collective – among those who often establish mothers, searching for their children – identified human remains in an incinerator located on an empty plot, in the same state, Halisco. Mexico counts nearly 100,000 missing, according to the most recent official data, updated on March 19. In their large majority, the disappearances were recorded after 2006, when the government at the time declared war on cartels, developing the army inside. Mexico counts over 52,000 bodies that have not yet been identified, according to NGO Movimiento por Nuestros (“Move for our people”, nine missing). The state of Halisco is a stronghold of the Halisco New Generation cartel, one of the most violent gangs in the country, along with the Sinaloa cartel. In Sinaloa state (northwest), wet from the Pacific, eight people are missing after the kidnapping 66 and release 54.