Message of the Deputy Minister of Citizen Protection Nikos Tosca for the National Holiday of 25 March

The 25th March 1821 marks the implementation of the will of the Greek Nation for Freedom and Independence. The struggle he had as a result of the establishment of the Modern Greek State. The Greek Revolution was the result of the unconquered mood of our people and the inexhaustible will to throw off the Ottoman yoke.
The independence was achieved by struggle and sacrifice, because nothing is gained only with the desire and the words.
Today the Greek people must give their own fight for the overcoming of the crisis, humanism, justice and security.
We honor those who fell or gave their blood so we could be free.
Every race should be continued, every effort must be based on democratic, historical, and sport traditions of our people.
It is essential to believe that a better tomorrow depends on the fight for today.
Win in the end, those who are struggling.