Meeting in the Region of Crete for the participation of young people in decision-making on environmental issues through the European Programme STEP

Representatives of operators, of Environmental Education Centres, Educational Institutions and Environmental Organizations, met in the Region of Crete and were informed about the European Project STEP, which aims to attract young people to participate in public consultation processes and decision-making for environmental issues, utilizing electronic tools for consultation dear to the new generation. As stressed by the executives of the department of the Environment and Spatial Planning Dr. Anna Καγιαμπάκη (Head Of Dept. Environment), Dr. Helen Αγγελογιαννάκη (IP Chania and Nikos Βότσογλου (IP Rethymno), the participation of young people in these processes is one of the priorities of the European Union.
The participants in the working meeting have submitted their experience with regard to the interest of young people to be informed and to take position on matters of environmental policy, development planning and individual projects and activities where conducted Environmental Impact Studies. The proposals of the Bodies to attract young people to participate in consultation processes and decision-making via the electronic platform STEP will be used in the coming months, and we carried out a series of actions for the information of young people, elected representatives and departmental executives. STEP is a program of the financial framework Horizon 2020, and is being implemented on a pilot basis in the Region of Crete by the D/department of the Environment and Spatial Planning (Coordinator: Dr. Eleni Chatzigianni, tel 2813 410110).