Measures from the Facebook against fake news

A series of…
updates is testing and preparing to implement the Facebook for the “burning” issue of false news on the social network, which many think affected the outcome of the elections in the USA.
As stated in a company announcement, “we are concentrating our efforts on the worst of the worst, the obvious hoaxes that are spreading spammers for personal gain and involve both our community as well as third-party agencies”.
The Facebook focuses on four areas:
Easier reference: it Becomes easier to report someone for a hoax that he found on Facebook, by clicking in the upper right corner of the post.
Hint news as “disputed” (in question). As indicated, the company believes that providing more information can help users to decide for themselves what to trust. “We started a programme of cooperation with third party organisations-beam headlamps, which have signed the Poynter’s International Fact Checking Code of Principles. We will use the reports from our community, along with other evidence, to send the news to these agencies. If they find out that a story is false, it will be indicated as disputed and there will be a link to the article where you explained why. The news that have been challenged may also appear lower in the News Feed. It will be even possible to share these news, but you will see a notice that they have challenged, as well as share. If a news story has pointed out, will not be able to turn into advertising and promoting, also”.
Informed Sharing: it was found that if the reading of the news makes the users less likely to communicate, this may indicate that mislead in some way. “We will try integrating this “signal” in the evaluation,” says the company.
Movements against the economic incentives of spammers: From the moment many fake news have a financial incentive (the spammers make money role-known MEDIA and elevate hoaxes that attract users to the sites), Facebook intends to make moves against these incentives.