Marinakis: Kasselakis reproduces the most vulgar version of the fake news rhetoric

Front between its government and the president of SYRIZA, regarding the prosecutorial inquiry into the company it has in the US. Government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis, in a statement, mentions a rhetorical face news from Stefanos Kasselakis and accuses the president of SYRIZA of attacking Justice. The statement is as follows: Mr. Kasselakis instead of responding to what the prosecutors are very seriously investigating, following the complaints of the former financial director of SYRIZA, made a direct attack on Justice and at the same time reproduces the most vulgar version of the Fake news rhetoric and the toxic speech expressed by his party in recent years. We understand the difficult position in which he has come, but if he thinks that resorting to toxicity will avoid the answers, he is very wrong. Kasselakis: Send as many prosecutors as you want. Earlier Stefanos Kasselakis was mentioned through social media for the prosecutor’s investigation, leaving spikes for Greek justice, while highlighting features “send as many prosecutors as you like” and that “my income in the US is all taxed”. In a social media post Stefanos Kasselakis says about the prosecutor’s inquiry that: “Greek Justice has the fastest reflexes in the world: When he undertakes to defend the Mitsotakis government against the European Parliament crying for the abolition of the rule of law in Greece. When he undertakes to send home, instead of jail, rapist prime friends and South West officials who outlaw. When he undertakes to target me for the loan I gave my party so that the workers don’t get unpaid on holidays. From my work in the United States, not business bags. Greek Justice has the slowest reflexes in the world: When he has to investigate the crime, the bust and the cover-up in Tempes. When he has to investigate Predator and the illegal surveillance of Maximus. When he has to try the cases of every ordinary citizen who is looking for his right without a means and a “plates”. Greek Justice has the fastest reflexes in the world: When he undertakes to defend the Mitsotakis government against the European Parliament crying for the abolition of the rule of law in Greece. When he undertakes to send home instead of prison,… — Stefanos Kasselakis – Stefanos Kasselakis (@skasselakis) As regards: Send as many prosecutors as you want. Unlike the giant fortunes of those who rule us, my income in the United States is all taxed. Up to the last dollar – up to the last euro. As regards the country of impunity: Everything will change. Of all of us who have clean hands, with the power of all you who have a clean front.” Sources ND for Kasselakis: SYRIZA Law expressly prohibits participation in a foreign company Earlier sources of the NW mentioned the law of SYRIZA which expressly prohibits participation in companies abroad. Specific sources of the ND regarding the investigation of the prosecution for the company of SYRIZA President Stefanos Kasselakis state: “About what SYRIZA supports, Mr. Kasselakis on the one hand says that he is not sure whether he has an obligation to make a statement because there is a dispute over the obligation: There is no dispute, the law is clear and it is incumbent on anyone who is the leader of a parliamentary group represented in a national or European Parliament not to participate in a foreign company and even under the law of SYRIZA 2016. Something that Syriza admits indirectly when they say he will transfer his shares. I wonder if he doesn’t take the order and there’s no disputing why he’ll pass them on? Therefore, Mr Kasselakis once again agrees that he still owns shares of foreign companies, so all this time he violates the relevant legislation. (The relevant provision was followed) What legislation on the incompatibility of political persons with regard to their participation in companies provides for: According to Article 8 of Law 3213/2003 and under the heading: ‘The prohibition of participation in a foreign-based company for civil persons, prohibitions on participation in companies based in non-cooperating tax States and States with preferential tax regime’ is laid down: 1. The Prime Minister, the Heads of Political Parties represented in the National or European Parliament, as well as those receiving state funding, the Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Deputy Ministers, the Members and Members of the European Parliament and those managing the finances of political parties as above, the General and Special Secretaries of the Parliament and the General Government, the Regional Authorities and the Mayors shall be prohibited from participating in the administration or the capital of companies, which are based in real or registered abroad, either in person or with surrogate persons. … 3. In violation of paragraph 1, direct or indirect participation in a company established abroad shall be punishable by imprisonment of at least two (2) years and by a financial penalty of between EUR 10,000 and EUR five hundred thousand (500,000).’; It is noted that Law No 5026/2023, which replaced almost all of Law 3213/2003, explicitly excluded from the repeal of Article 8 of the latter, concerning the prohibition of the participation of political persons and o Heads of Party represented in Parliament in companies based in the foreign or non-cooperating tax states or States with preferential tax regimes, resulting in the prohibition still having full effect.”