Maria Bekatorou: “I find the price of oil outrageous”

On the “hot” matter of accuracy and in particular on his honour was mentioned the well-known presenter, who was invited to “Everything for our lives Vita”. “I have entered the process of looking at prices. I find the price of oil outrageous. I put another oil in the food and I get a better oil for my salad,” said Maria Bekatorou, noting that she is now more “rewarded” in terms of the quantities she buys. “We may say that we get used to eating healthy, however, in a time of accuracy we have reduced the amount and quality of food. Let alone, when one wants to make a healthier diet, prices are high,” she stressed. And go on: I used to get more quantities and now I’m more sparing. I have even replaced snacks with something healthier and not so expensive.” Maria Bekatorou said that at home they cook all the time and there is always homemade food and that she used to throw away some products that didn’t have time to eat like vegetables.