The appeal to Justice against the MP of SYRIZA, for a “sycophant post” against her, heralds the Prime Minister’s office with an announcement. The Prime Minister’s Press Office notes that Mrs Mareva Grabovski Mitsotakis “will take the next period of necessary legal action in civil and criminal law” at the expense of Mrs Helena Akrita. It is even pointed out that the Prime Minister’s office sees it as self-evident “that the whole of the SYRIZA parliamentary group will accept the lifting of Mrs Acritta’s immunity.” The entire announcement of the Prime Minister’s Press Office is as follows: Following yesterday’s slanderous post of SYRIZA Member of State Elena Akrita, the content of which was repeated today, Mrs Mareva Grabowski Mitsotakis will take the next few years the necessary legal actions under civil and criminal law, in order to restore its truth and personality. We believe it goes without saying that the whole of the SYRIZA parliamentary group will accept the lifting of Mrs Acritta’s immunity in order to answer to justice for her false and slanderous claims. The chronicle All started with a post by Mrs. Helena Acrita yesterday, 31.3.2024, which implied “factorism” by Mrs. Mareva Grabovsky Mitsotakis “with sms and calls to entrepreneurs and major publishers” on the occasion as much as by . On the occasion of this post the Minister of Health in a television interview had said that Mrs. Acrita targeted the lady Grabowski, and he should apologize to her. Georgiadis replied to Mrs.Acrita saying that, while she reinstated her posting with the same spikes against Mrs. Grabowski, resulting in her recourse to Justice and the request to lift her immunity.
Mareva Grabowski Mitsotakis: Appeals to Justice Against Helena Akrita
in Political