Makeleio in Moscow: Over 60 deaths from the terrorist attack on a concert venue

In shock remains Russia from the very dead Friday night (22.03.2024) in a Krasnogorsk concert hall, on its outskirts . Since the terrorist attack in Moscow at least 60 people have died, the Russian Federation’s Research Committee has confirmed. According to a provisional account, “the terrorist attack left behind more than 60 dead. Unfortunately, the number of victims may increase,” he says. According to Health Minister Mikhail Murasco, 115 injured are hospitalized, including five children. The situation of 60 adults and a child is characterized as serious, raising fears that the number of victims “may increase” Armed men in variant uniforms invaded shortly after 8 pm at the crowded Crocus City Hall – a concert hall in Krasnogorsk, northwest of Moscow – and began shooting indiscriminately, spreading death. Explosions followed and a fire spread rapidly into the building. A music producer who was in the dressing rooms, told that “just before the start” of the concert, gunshots and screams were heard and saw panicful spectators running out. Russian President Vladimir Putin wished “rapid recovery” to the injured in the concert attack, soon broadcast the TASS news agency. The Kremlin’s strong man was informed of developments by FSB chief Alexandre Bortnikov. Creeps cause images from the attack of at least 5 armed in concert space in Moscow. As shown in the videos the gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons, while people ran to protect themselves from the shooting storm. The beginning of assessment in the Crocus City Hall hall was caught on video — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) !!!? Footage has emerged from the scene of the horror attack as the shooting began at Moscow’s “Crocus City Hall” — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) Explosions and fire followed, which spread rapidly into the building. The responsibility for the attack was assumed, through a post on Telegram, by the jihadist organization Islamic State. Russian authorities are still searching for the perpetrators, who according to IK’s post on Telegram managed to escape and return to their base. Security forces arrested an unidentified man near the site of the terror attack, reports in his post the Nexta. The United Nations, the European Union and many foreign leaders condemned the bloody attack, expressing condolences to the families of the victims of the massacre. American officials said Washington has information confirming the claim of the jihadist organization Islamic State that its militants launched the very dead attack. They also recalled that the US had warned Russia two weeks ago about the terrorist threat.

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