Lose the belly fat in five steps!

Dreaming of a flat tummy, but every morning have to struggle to make it to button the jeans? Belly fat is not only unattractive, it is and…
dangerous, since it is associated with increased likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease. To lose, follow these five steps:
Drink more water
If you choose water every time you drink a drink, a juice or a soda, you’ll save hundreds of calories in the day. Apart from this, however, the water in it helps you burn more fat, as proper hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolism. Keep always with you a bottle of water and drink it often-especially before meals, in order to be satisfied with a smaller amount. The same benefit (with more flavor) you’re choosing foods that are very rich in water, such as cucumber and watermelon.
Pick the right foods
A diet based on fresh vegetables and lean protein (chicken, fish) are ideal to instantly watch your belly becomes more flat. Preferred are also the foods that are rich in fiber (oats, whole grains, legumes) because they contribute to the good functioning of the intestine, limiting bloating and many contain fatty acids omega-3 and Omega-6 (nuts, olive oil)which fight the “bad” fat in the body. Avoid processed foods, flour and sugar (be careful as it lies hidden in the standard food).
Don’t forget to eat something every three hours
Three meals a day is very little! If you want your metabolism to work properly you need to eat every three hours -alternating regular meals with small snacks. If you spend more hours and you’re hungry, will be mobilised in your body the production of cortisol as a reaction to stress, because of which it is stored more fat in the belly. However, make sure to consume the last meal of the day at least two hours before you go to sleep. Sleep immediately after a hearty meal is the quickest way to be stored fat in the abdominal area.
Take a magnesium supplement
Or enrich your diet with foods rich in magnesium, such as almonds, avocado, banana, dark chocolate). This trace mineral helps regulate the levels of glucose in the blood and is necessary for the synthesis of the protein and the strengthening of the muscle system. And more powerful musculature means less fat.
Do exercises that burn belly fat
Enriched the program of your exercise with a few exercises targeting exactly the fat that you want to disappear, Such is, among other things, the “plank”, bike, jump rope. If you don’t follow some kind of fitness but hard to start, chose one of these that strengthen the torso, such as Pilates or TRX. If you’re not really the athletic type, you can lose belly fat without hard exercise, it is sufficient to walk for at least 30 time a day -ideally in the morning before you eat breakfast.

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