Look at the five reasons that will make you to start eating onions

May be considered prohibitive food before a date, but the onion makes it very good for the health and for thousands of years and is considered to have medicinal properties.
He has a very distinctive taste and aroma and can be consumed both raw and cooked.
It is rich in compounds containing sulfur, which is responsible for the pungent odor and offer many health benefits.
Cardiovascular benefits
The sulfur compounds contained in onions have anticoagulant properties and help in the prevention of unwanted clots in the blood vessels. There is also evidence that onions help to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, while improving the function of the cell membrane of red blood cells.
The health benefits of onions, when included in the diet of a person deemed to be extended until as prevention of a heart attack, reports the website fitnea.com.
Benefits for bones and connective tissues
Studies have shown that onions help increase bone density and benefit especially women who are in the age of menopause and suffer from loss of bone density.
In addition, there is evidence that women who have passed the age of menopause may reduce the risk of fracture in the hip, if you consume daily onions.
Anti-inflammatory action
Beyond the cardiovascular benefits, and improve bone density, the onions provide anti-inflammatory action in the body. A molecule of sulphur which is contained in the bulb has been found that inhibits the activity of macrophages -specific white blood cells which play an important role in the immune system, one of the defensive actions of which it is the activation of large-scale inflammatory responses.
The antioxidants of the onion help in the prevention of oxidation of fatty acids in the body.
When the levels of oxidized fatty acids in the body is low, our body produces fewer inflammatory molecules, while maintaining under control the levels of inflammation.
Protection from cancer
Onions has been proven to reduce the risk of developing several types of cancer, even if consumed in moderate amounts, such as cancer of the colon, ovarian, and larynx
Antibacterial action
According to the same publication, the onion has been proven to improve the levels of sugar in the blood, and help in prevention of bacterial infections.
The molecules of sulfur and flavonoid quercetin contained in onions provide antibacterial action on the human body.

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