Life is a race

Writes the Vaso Karlis
To go you have to have the mental and physical strength, as well as strong nerves. The road is not always a straight…
No turns, obstacles of all sorts, climbs and descents. The obstacles I don’t know if we devise on our own to be tested or if it’s really.
Uphill, gasp, we are forces, and if you don’t give up, I’ll go up triumphantly. Downhill, things may seem easier, but there is this risk. The confidence that will go down successfully, you may κατρακυλήσουμε and to have the opposite effect to that desired.
Good physical condition, will play this role. No matter how many times you get the language out, it is necessary to ξαναμαζέψεις, to regain your strength and keep going. No one can guarantee how it will turn out the way. You ought to be prepared. Else it will run with a thousand, with three hundred, or two hundred. It doesn’t matter. Importance of participation in this race of life. You’re not just an observer, but an athlete, regardless of your performance. We are not giving up. We are fighting and maybe the time comes we choose the way that will go.