Life goes on – HE is the New COACH of the ξεκληρισμένης Τσαπεκοένσε… [photo]

The drama of the plane crash in Colombia that claimed the lives of dozens of people remains a large…
The Τσαπεκοένσε lost 19 players, a coach and several people in the group, but people have decided to keep it… alive. Ronaldinho has expressed his willingness to fight on the team to help her, while today the administration of the team announced, and the new coach.
The-how could this happen Ζούνιορ was on the fatal flight and was killed, and the place of today took the 50-year-old Wagner Mancini. Except for Mancini, the administration has begun and staff again, the group with persons in key positions that were left empty after the crash.

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