Liana Canelli: Me and the cigarette, we’re done, I almost lost my life

At the hearing of the name, everyone thinks of the well-known congresswoman and former journalist with a cigarette in his hand. But not anymore! It is one of the images that have been captured: in TV studios, in panels Liana Cannelli smoking. After her recent, serious, health adventure, however, her smoking streets broke up permanently. Liana Kanelli was found today (15.03.2024) invited to the show Attunable to SKAI and there she spoke about her health and her decision to “cut” the cigarette. And he cut it off the day he entered the hospital. “I am commando normal, I fought it and I still fight it. Now I’ve quit smoking, decided to quit and quit. I smoked almost 55 years from school. I had come to misery, playing with the so-called light cigarette, middle of the pandemic, smoking four packs a day, that is 80 cigarettes. I wanted to, it was just a will, me and the cigarette are done. I smoked for three lives and almost lost mine. Let young people be careful not to start it. Cigarette offers nothing, I thought it was a pleasure. I do not miss her at all,” Liana Canelli said. “I was very upset, there were times when I said that… I deliver the spirit. But I didn’t want to die, I had things to do,” concluded the Member of the Communist Party. “ A heavy pneumonia with two viruses, my misfortune inside, and I ended up intubated and at the limits”, she wrote, in an article in

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