Less victims on the road in October


Reduction of 2.8% recorded in October of road traffic accidents.

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www.ukipmeps.org ? European Parliament, Strasbourg – 27 September 2011 ? Speaker Nigel Farage MEP, UKIP, Co-President of the EFD Group in the European Parliament (Europe of Freedom and Democracy) ? Debate: Question Hour with the President of the Eurogroup, Jean-Claude Juncker ? Transcript: Nigel Farage: Mr Juncker, as President of the Eurogroup, your detachment from reality is almost unbelievable. You’re behaving like a political ostrich, pretending none of it is happening. You’ve just told us just a few moments ago that Greece fundamentally has no problems because she’s a member of the eurozone. It’s just deluded. And you wrote recently, that the euro’s thirteen-year history is a success story. Well, it’s a very odd kind of success, isn’t it? And actually, saying that beggars belief and I think hardly makes you credible. I think it’s about time that you and others in this room woke up to the fact that we are inflicting misery on millions of people; through unemployment, through poverty, through a lack of democracy, and that it’s an error to try and keeping countries trapped inside the euro prison. The recent proposal is that Greece should write down her debt by 50% and remain a member of the eurozone. Surely, Mr Juncker if that happenes the same would happen to Portugal and Ireland too. Do you think it’s possible for any member state of the euro to write down their debts and stay a member of the euro? Jean Claude Juncker: Mr President, I didn’t say that Greece has no