Left “dictatorship” in the media

Written by Claus D. Νουλέζας, Lawyer
Some νεόκοπα, unknown property, news Blogs, and… the papers of unknown origin perceive incorrectly the role of the MEDIA and have taken over almost directly contracted to the promotion of governmental positions.
Not explained otherwise, while the country is threatened with global economic depression and the padlocks are increasing at an enormous rate, to publish and promote shockingly, three and a little texts,announcements and press Releases of hidden ,άφαντων like these members of the SYRIZA (which avoid to walk in central streets, and found next to the society), I.e.the government προπαγανδισμό, anti as have an obligation to καυτηριάζουν and comment on revealing the truth to have the retractions,excesses and inconsistencies, but φαρφαρονισμούς of the insolvent ,insincere Government that cuts mercilessly to ensure economically equivalent, retroactively, main and supplementary pensions.
Anyway, ambitious to remain at the helm of the country and to renew the government’s mandate Tsipras apparently wants in the context of legislative reforms to abolish most of the tv MEDIA, to control fully the contemplated new licensing of channels in the tv landscape,with controversial legislation would be contrary to the ECHR and will be judged with certainty unconstitutional in Coe.
Apparently, the stuck in the 3rd Memorandum of understanding, which is running quietly, almost in spite of them κατακαιρούς bully that it requires the imf , mr. prime Minister considers that the MEDIA ie. the free journalism does not form a constituent element of Democracy,is probably unread ignores the ignores the relevant provisions of the Constitution-κουρελόχαρτου ,such as turn into.,
The bizarre behavior of the competent Minister, mr. Pappas, which expresses the GOVERNMENT refers to a totalitarian regime,they have no intention of κείσουν the more anti-government channels and to create new καναλάρχες strong economic factors, it seems until now.
The governance of SYRIZA -ANEL seeks,has the dark intention to abolish the existing problematic because of the lack of legislative status media status channels υπερδανεισμέναβλ.MEGA (who are not fulfilling their obligations),wants to license sympathisers entrepreneurs καναλάρχες watching on the basis of the negative opinion polls and the popularity of the Prime minister to collapse and inflated to the popular discontent and indignation .
The Ant.Samaras was accused by the then Authoritative Αντιπολίτεσυη(βλΣΥΡΙΖΑ) closed with TO the state’s costly,wasteful ERT, the left-wing Tsipras who forgot and missed completely the pre-election pledges ,wants with a controversial piece of legislation the private channels and to limit the nationwide channels to only four.
This is undeniably for the government’s authoritarianism and totalitarianism with a legal cloak ,where I don’t think it will pass the House.

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