Lebron James praised John Antetokounbo: “He’s the best at screen Varezão”

He analyzes basketball in his new podcast with veteran NBA player, J.J. Reddick and in a new episode deposits him for one of the aspects of his game. In the relevant quote, Lebron James argues that Giannis Antetokounbo is the top player today in the “skrien Varezão”, a tactic that allows the attacker with the ball to change the defense side at the last minute through the screen. “Yannis is the best in this, he has the ability to make the defense go to one side and then the guard changes the screen and allows him to blitz or henge and empty his “path”. And when Giannis finds a free path, he is finished, he will pin the ball and you.” Lebron on Giannis’ work in the varejao screen: “Giannis is the best at it, he has the ability to have the defense go one and then the guard flip screen it.he’ll be on this side getting ready to show or blitz or henge and now they flip the screen and when he crosses over there’s… — 34 (@GiannisWorld) Lebron James has known Varezão well since Cleveland Cavaliers.