Lamia: a Memorable evening with Vassilis Papakonstantinou and the music school of Lamia

Jammed it literally happened, maybe most people… we’ve seen at an event at the Municipal Theatre of Lamia, on Tuesday 22 March 2016 in the evening at the musical evening organized by the Music School of Lamia.
More specifically, the Music School of Lamia, and the Central Public Library of Lamia honored Vassilis Papakonstantinou and the poets who sang, on the occasion of the world day of poetry, presenting the beloved from the audience for his songs. The Choir, the Rock Ensemble of the Music School and Vasilis Papakonstantinou singing set to music works of Greek poets, and lyricists, and they won a well-deserved round of applause!

Especially with the entrance of the great singer became a flurry of cheers while the ”music” in the presence of children was remarkable and they offered an enchanting musical evening to the viewers of the Lamia.
See photos from the Musical Evening – Tribute
(Photos: Aris Martakos/ARoTro Adv)
