L. Αυγενάκης at the 3rd National Conference for the Development of Greek Agriculture: “Not enough the findings and synergies. Required…”

The 3rd National Conference for the Development of Greek Agriculture, with the title “CAP…
lessons of the past, challenges of the future” organized by the Gaia Commerce and took place yesterday, Friday, September 7, welcomed the Secretary-IP – Mp of Heraklion, mr. Lefteris Αυγενάκης. The conference was opened by the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development of the EU, mr Phil Hogan.
The Secretary TOLD mr. Lefteris Αυγενάκης in his brief address, among other things, said: “The agricultural sector is for the Greek economy, a key pillar of development. Several injured, of course, and weakened today. Especially in the last few years where the crisis has hit rapidly the productive fabric of the country, agriculture has proved that it has notable strengths. More specifically, the agricultural sector according to data of the Statistical Office, lost the fewest jobs relative to the secondary and tertiary sectors, where the losses were multiple. …
The great contribution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the development of the Greek countryside was and is undeniable, both through direct aid and through the improvement of infrastructure. … The CAP and the access to the common market is the more enduring challenge for farmers and businesses operating in the wider area.
The challenges don’t stop here, however. The European agricultural policy and, therefore, the Greek would have to be adapted to the new data. First of all, in the context of globalisation and of the new flexible and faster forms of trade, the eu and Greek agricultural products have to face a lot more competition from other areas of the planet.
The reformed CAP must provide incentives to farmers to seek the most competitive channels of access to the markets. Moreover, Europe and especially Greece have a particular culture in the production and standardisation of certain agricultural products. It is this peculiarity of the specific agricultural products that classify them in categories of Products with a Designation of Origin and Geographical Indication, which individuality should not be sacrificed in the context of the conclusion of trade agreements with third countries.
For example, it is incomprehensible for us Greeks to see that traded on the market slice of third countries, as well as from the ancient times, this type of cheese is manufactured with a specific technique from milk derived from sheep and goats of Greek breeds, which graze in areas with particular flora and microclimate. Such specificities of the European Union must protect them.
There are even more complex issues that need to be addressed, such as, for example, the impact of climate change on agriculture and the protection of natural resources, most notably water. Confirm that the forecasts of european and international research institutions the countries of Southern Europe will be more vulnerable to these problems. Therefore the Union is in the process of the revision of the CAP to draw up specific actions for these areas”.
In closing, mr. Αυγενάκης thanked “the dozens of bodies of the primary sector contributing to the dialogue forming a government programme of the SOUTHWEST and soon we will have to implement” and pledged that “we sign the Agreement of Truth with the farmers and the breeders. Not enough findings and synergies. What is required is a clear agricultural policy, of which the SW model and will be called upon very soon to implement”.

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