Kolonos: “I am very happy to return to you” – The first words of the 12 year old mother to her children

Very happy to finally return home is the 12-year-old from him after the court’s decision to acquit her. The underage girl from Kolonos who from the first moment shouted that her mother was not involved in this shocking case, learned about the court’s decision while at school and contacted the 34-year-old. “We won, we won. I’m very happy. I tried to talk to her at the time, but there were a lot of people and police. But her children saw her and talked to her,” the 12-year-old’s grandmother tells newsit.gr about the acquittal of the girl’s mother. “She told them she was very happy to finally come home. I’m happy for my bride, for my granddaughter and all my grandchildren. My daughter-in-law is still my child,” she notes. It is noted that the child’s mother was unanimously found not guilty of pornography and masculinity. Mother was found guilty only of misdemeanor blackmail. Once Mother heard the decision she cried. “The mother is innocent, as I was saying at first, what the 12-year-old said that the 34-year-old had nothing to do with the case, was confirmed by the decision. It was unfair from the beginning to keep her safe. She went and denounced the rapist of her child and was in prison for 18 months,” noted the lawyer of the 34-year-old Apostle Lytras.