Ketspaya for Georgia – Greece: “From the first penalty I realized we would win”

Timur commented on its historical qualification in Euro 2024 against Greece. Cyprus’ federal coach, Timur Ketspaya, said he understood that Georgia would win Greece after the first penalty, while he stood on the importance of success for his country. Detailedly what he said about the National Georgia victory over Greece: “We had a nice night and a beautiful morning. All Georgia has been waiting for this success for 30 years. To be honest after the first penalty, I realized we were gonna win the game. I want to congratulate everyone. Players, coaches, players and the world that stood alongside the national and all of Georgia. We played the football we had to play. That is why this result came. This was done with determination and intense desire. We won Greece for the first time and I am glad that this took place in such an important race. We have played many times with the Greeks and won not even once even though we had made good appearances at the time.”