Kasselakis asked Mitsotakis to resign and the country to go to elections in the presence of international observers

The president of SYRIZA, Stefanos Kasselakis, with a message on social media asked Kyriakos Mitsotakis to resign after the latest developments with the tragedy in Tembis and lead the country to elections. Stefanos Kasselakis pointed out features: I intended to address you after the end of my term, but the developments are rapid. Today it was revealed that there was a state montage on the very night of the Tempe crime, in order to attribute responsibilities exclusively to human error. The very night we lost 57 of our fellow men and the rescue media were attempting to save lives! Immediately afterwards, the state – parastate gave the edited material to pro-government means, to create the impression that it was an accidental human error. And right after that, the Prime Minister comes out with a mandate to attribute the tragic crime to human error, with the next step being the scene of the crime scene. I don’t have to say anything more at this hour. I call on the Prime Minister to resign calmly and with basic dignity, as is appropriate to democratically elected leaders rather than monarchs, so that the country can be led to democratic elections. With the presence of international observers, because a prime minister who is being modeled for crime, followed by politicians and military by a Prentator and secret personal data is being sent for election tooling, CANNOT CONDUCT INDIVIDUAL ELECTIONS without doubt. I call on Kyriakos Mitsotakis to lift himself to the height of circumstances for once and only and answer me within 24 hours if he agrees with the road map to normality I described. Thank you very much.

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